“It has been my privilege and greatest joy to have known Kristi Piper for twenty years.  My healing sessions have been more often than not, profound.  She has selflessly and gently guided me to understand depth of feelings, and misguided beliefs, in order to heal physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances.  She has been my living spiritual teacher.  Since I was born asking a million questions, she has patiently guided me to greater understandings, so that I find myself now in peaceful contentment about all things.  She has demonstrated to me her complete love and surrender to the Divine, and I try every day to live my life as well as she.  When my handicapped sister was so fearful of upcoming surgery, Kristi spent time calming, soothing, and preparing her with her great gifts of Spiritual Direction.  I was left in awe as my sister was transformed before me and sailed through her surgery.  It has been my honor to have met Kristi, learned so much, and created my best life because of her.  She has my deepest gratitude, respect and love.”  ~ Jacque Overholt, Humbolt, IL
“In regards to Kristi Piper, she is one of the most dedicated, spiritual, women I know; and I am sure she is “holding the space” for many of us. Kristi has been a blessing to me in all ways – physically, mentally, spiritually. Thank you for the opportunity to validate her. She is of the Christ Consciousness.”  ~ Mary Carroll King, Urbana, IL
“If you are ready to do your work you came here to do, Kristi Piper would be a wonderful guide and companion on your journey. Her compassion and skills have been a tremendous asset for me over the many years we have done our work together.  I highly recommend her.  You deserve the very best.”  ~ Sue Gass, Arthur, IL
“Behind Kristi’s unassuming ways are potent gifts of healing.  She channels ethereal forces for the good of earthly souls like you and me, and connects angelic energies to our human needs. To receive Kristi’s healing intervention is to experience the work of benevolent powers in your life and know that you are protected.”  ~ Carol M., Champaign, IL
“I just wanted to thank you for the way you bring the presence of the Divine into our sessions. Each session builds upon the previous one because of the careful attention you pay to the threads and themes of the Spirit. The way that you have shared parts of your own journey with me are empowering as well. You have so much to give and you give freely. Thank you for being so grounded and for having done all the personal and professional work that enable you to be such a beautiful healer. You are affirming and life giving. The mystical and magical always arrive in your presence. Thank you for being a teacher, while treating me as an equal.”  ~ Sarah McEvoy, Urbana, IL
“I am thankful to have found a practitioner who allows the Spirit to move through her and the client.   I came looking for a pure touch to witness and help ground my body and soul. I have never found her to squelch my inner wisdom by her own agenda. She truly bows to the divine within. Thank you Kristi.”  ~ Darlene Severin, Champaign, IL
“Kristi’s long-distance work with me has been no less than miraculous. Her innate ability to navigate, interpret, and bring forth the higher realms of divine energy for healing is truly amazing. Kristi has consistently brought me improved health regarding many physical problems from my severe, long-term disability that continue to be a puzzle to the medical field. Her work has been a gift beyond measure, changing my life’s trajectory from chronic, increasing suffering to health. Of the many serious issues in which she has brought me relief, one of the most significant and life-altering has been my ability to breathe again peacefully while I sleep. She has given me a calmer body, and with that, a more peaceful mind. In addition, Kristi’s exceptional insight has shown me how these physical issues interrelate and their role in my own spiritual awakening. It has been exceedingly helpful to gain an understanding of the broader good, or purpose, for such challenges; it is easier to handle challenges when I am aware of the silver lining. I am forever grateful for this kind, talented, genuine woman for her help in this lifetime. Thank God there are people like Kristi.”  ~ Lee Ann Laraway, San Jose, CA
“Kristi Piper is truly a phenomenal healer and a loving, wonderful person as well.  Her work with chakras is beyond my understanding, but never beyond my appreciation. I am working with healing both muscular dystrophy and Lyme disease and find her contribution to this effort to be invaluable. I highly recommend Kristi to anyone wanting help making sense of the energy aspect of their being. She is absolutely connected to this arena and lovingly shares her knowledge with her clients. I am lucky to have found her.”  ~ Jan Labate, Soquel, CA
“Kristi Piper is an amazing healer! She has a kind, loving, and deeply compassionate heart. She helps me to feel whole, more alive, happier, calmer and deeply loved. I take less medication for anxiety now. I just seem to feel clearer and more connected to the Earth and Universe. Each session with her puts me in touch with the Divine especially when she helped me birth my inner Core Star – that was profound! I always feel very safe doing this deep inner healing work with her. Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul!”  ~ Fran Fay, Portland, OR
“Thanks for being the ‘real deal’.  Kristi encourages me to look deeper into an issue to realize the solution comes from within.”  ~ Anne Totheroh, Bloomington, IL
“Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give.”  ~ Dr. David R. Hawkins

“Bring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.”  ~ Paramahansa Yogananda